A Bit About Me

I have a family. I am a software developer. I have played many hours of computer games, but tend to find myself working on other interests these days.

Building tools that make it easier for people to accomplish a task or goal is something that I'm passionate about. I love to take complicated information and make it easier to understand. I usually use softawre to accomplish this task.

I'm also a big health and fitness fan. Lifting heavy weight makes me very happy. I played many sports growing up and have always loved being active. Now I mostly go on hikes, practice olympic weightlifting, and participate in Crossfit. But, just because I don't play anymore doesn't mean I enjoy helping others learn and play sports. I love watching my two sons grow and pursue sports as well.


Professionally I've spent most of my time helping startups and small companies grow. As a part of that work, I've been involved in services for companies like AOL and Paypal, and the research and development of newer technologies at companies like Axiom Software and IT.com.

I've always had an entrepreneurial spirit. Since I was young I've been doing work that people needed help with. Never Second came out of such a thing. Years of my own dealings with health and fitness tools and listening to and working with coaches and trainers has made the platform what it is.

  • Never Second

    Never Second is a platform to both help people manage their health and fitness and provide gyms with a platform to better help their members accomplish those goals. Check it out at https://never-second.com


Not all of my work is paid work. Giving back to the communinity that has given a lot to me is something I value. The internet runs on open source software and I wanted to contribute to that. These are just a few projects that I've created in an attempt to give back when I could.

  • bCrypt for Node.JS

    bCrypt is way to hash information that makes it harder for an attacker to steal the content. Often this is used for passwords because once hashed, you can't get the content out.

  • Cron for Node.JS

    A cron is a way to schedule a task for execution. The project above allows for that to happen inside a Node process.

  • PumpkinSpy

    A jack-o-lantern project that my kids and I worked on together.